04 November 2009

Today was ok!!

Today was ok.. Went to a big meeting at work and managed to stay away from the scones with cream and jam... These would normally be my staple foods.

Had a couple of people that commented on how much weight I have lost - most people I have not seen since this time last year, which was a nice feeling and they were all encouraging. It was still a bit embarrassing because you kind of think that you have skated by for the last few years without anyone noticing... But how do they notice 140kgs plus???

Anyway I am really tired tonight - mentally stuffed up so I am going to call it an early night and go and attempt to read a book or something.

Hope all are well!!

4th November

Got up early to go for a swim in the pool.. Who would have thought that after we had a 37 degree day here yesterday that the water would be so cold and that today we are heading for a 22 degree day with rain, wind the whole works...

Got a big meeting at work today which will be interesting with all the GM's and VP's. Looking forward to that..

03 November 2009

It seems like so long

It seems lie so long since I have blogged and I think that it will remain the secret to my success.. After all it is all about trakcing and letting your feelings out there right??

Today, Melbourne Cup day... I lost my money on the horses ($6 - nothing to cry over), snacked WAAAYYY to much and got my butt kicked at work however I still come home and enjoyed an evening swim with my dear husband and daughter.. Did a few laps - but not too many.. Mostly played and raced with hubby and watched daughter play.. Thankfully though it was probably just enough point to wash away the effects of todays blow out with points.

I have been back at WW for a couple of weeks now and so far have lost about 3kgs this time around - So since the beginning of the year I have lost a total of 10kgs - give or take 100gms..

Not a lot I know but they say that people are gaining weight at about 2kgs a year so I can proudly say that I have lost 5 peoples gain.....

Still a lot of work to go and momentum to gain but I will get there...

16 May 2009


Well I have been a couple of weeks back on TF's and the results are going well... Now able to weigh in on the Wii fit again and I have won the first challenge that Paul has set me. So next weekend he is off to buy my Wii Active... Cant wait!!! My own personal trainer in a box.

Since I started blogging earlier this year I have lost a grand total of 7.8kgs. Not a great deal in the whole scheme of things but a pretty decent start since I had a fair amount of time off in the middle when we moved house and all.

Anyway, housework is calling or the Wii fit???? tough call... There i always tomorrow for house work before I go back to work for the week. !!!

heading off to Parramatta on Monday for some broker training.... Hope this is a good thing.

03 May 2009


Well back on the band wagon again.... Paul and I have made a bet with each other, whoever can loose the most weight over the next 3 months gets the first iPhone Touch in the house.. I am pretty sure that he just wants to buy me one..

Our wedding anniversary tomorrow.... 7 years..

We have been doing plenty of bits and pieces around the house over the weekend. In fact I think this is one of the firsl times that we have sat down for more than 1/2 an hour all weekend...

Well welcome back to my blogging and new bandwagon....

03 February 2009

3rd Feb

Well I had a weigh in this afternoon and I was shocked to see a 3.6kg loss!!!

Happy Happy Days..
The week before I had put on 1 kg! I cheated. We travelled to a wedding (see picture) and I cheated... Nothing more to say about that really!!
A great result this week though

27 January 2009

27th January

It has taken me some time but I have finally worked out my before and after photo's.
i have had a pretty good eating day but strayed a little for lunch and had sushi and a juice from the juice bar. I know, I know it is all naughty but I was craving sushi and I am not willing to deny myself all life's simple pleasures.

Tonight I have packed Sam's lunch for the first time for Kindergarten tomorrow. There will be tears but the truth is I am so excited about our little girl finally going to school. i just can't wait..

Anyhow, Hi to all of those who have come to read my blog from the TF forums. I hope my journey inspires you as I go along.

Happy Days ahead!!